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​​#meetup #cloud Let's begin our acquaintance with speakers. | GDG Minsk Новости

​​#meetup #cloud

Let's begin our acquaintance with speakers.
December 17th will be held our GDG Cloud Meetup.

Rafał Leszko
Company: Hazelcast, Integration Team Lead
Topic: Where is my cache? Architectural patterns for caching microservices

I’m sure you use caching somewhere in your system. This can be either to improve performance, reduce backend load, or to decrease downtime.
Everybody uses caching. Caching is everywhere.

Everybody knows that we need a cache, but where exactly to place it? Inside your application or as a layer in front of it? In the container or outside the container? In the era of Cloud Native and Microservices, these questions get even more complicated. In this session, I'll present different architectural patterns for distributed caching: Embedded, Client-Server, (Kubernetes) Sidecar, and Reverse HTTP Proxy Caching.

Language: English