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#video Hello, friends! Andersen RnD (Fintech) presents: Andr | ANDERSEN TRAINEE

Hello, friends!

Andersen RnD (Fintech)
presents: Andrei Movchan – a financial expert and the founder of the Movchan's Group investment management company. With his help, we will find out how the events of recent years have changed the world economy. The interview will be held by Denis Astapchenia – the Director of FinTech at Andersen.
We are going to look for the answers to the following questions:
- Where has the upturn in inflation in the US and Europe come from?
- What’s the real cost of the Russian ruble?
- What will Oleg Tinkov quitting the banking business result in?
- What is the role of one of TikTok videos in Walmart's capitalization, and what can be the consequences of the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk?
- Why is the cryptocurrency market unstable, and what investment technologies will be a breakthrough in the next ten years?

The language of the interview is English.