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For 30 years, EPAM has expanded its expertise worldwide through numerous activities to help beginners gain in-demand skills. Here we share insights for starting an IT career, announce training programs and tech meet-ups, publish useful materials.

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2022-07-28 20:35:37 ​#EPAM_Quiz

A cheesy riddle from Cody

143 mice got into the cheese barn and ate 33 heads of cheese. Everyone ate equally, but half of the mice ate too much for them. So the next day only 13 mice came to the barn. Again they ate equally, but three times less than the previous time.

How many heads of cheese were eaten in two days?
6.2K views17:35
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2022-07-25 18:42:08 ​#EPAM_Library

Data & Analytics: self-study materials

Decided to become an expert in Data&Analytics? Confused by the variety of resources on the Internet? Don't know where to start?

Read our article, where we've gathered the most popular, helpful, and up-to-date materials for beginners on:

Basics of Data&Analytics
Databases and SQL
Business intelligence and Data Warehouse
Data Visualization
Basics of Python
Software Testing

Ready to plunge into intensive learning? Explore our Data & Analytics training opportunities
6.3K views15:42
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2022-07-22 18:21:27 ​#EPAM_Quiz

True or False about JavaScript. Explanations

Recently we've released a post for you to guess the false facts about JavaScript. Let's touch upon each point:

JavaScript was created in 10 days – TRUE

Indeed, in 1995 a programmer named Brandan Eich developed a new scripting language in just 10 days.

JavaScript name was a marketing decision because Java was on the top during that time – TRUE

There are a few versions of why JavaScript was called like that. The most known is that it was a marketing move to divert some attention from Java, the most widespread language at the time.

JavaScript is used for web development only – FALSE

Most engineers experience JavaScript as an embedded browser language, but it also can be found in desktop applications, mobile applications, operating systems, and many other places.

JavaScript was made to build not only basic but also complex architecture – TRUE

Completely true. Node.js, for instance, is an awesome scalable technology, particularly when used for creating microservices and serverless architecture.

JavaScript is never used for Test Automation – FALSE

JavaScript is one of the most in-demand languages among developers, including test engineers. Many automation frameworks have appeared to help them test JavaScript applications.

To learn more about JavaScript and jump into the technology, explore our training opportunities
6.0K views15:21
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2022-07-21 21:38:17 ​#EPAM_English

Interview in English. Tips and tricks

A common practice in the tech sphere is to check the English level of a future employee. Some companies expect you to speak it during the whole interview, and others ask you to have small talk. How to stay calm and confident in such cases?

Our recruiters shared advice for beginners

Study possible questions and typical answers

In any job interview, you will be asked mostly the same questions. For example: where did you study, do you have any experience, and what are your strengths. Think about how you can respond beforehand.

Learn field-oriented vocabulary

Study the professional vocabulary and check the pronunciation of terminology to show your dedication and readiness to discuss the theme in detail.

Pull yourself together

Missed the question? Ask your interviewer to repeat. Don't know the correct answer? Don't be silent. Tell at least something related to the topic.

Use simple words and sentences

Try not to learn grammar constructions above your English level on purpose before the meeting, because you will probably forget them. If you feel insecure, you'd better use simple phrases to be easily understood.

Hold an improvised interview

Ask your friend or a family member to interview you and record it. This is a helpful hack to improve your pronunciation and correct mistakes.

Save this post to be perfectly prepared for upcoming interviews
7.1K views18:38
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2022-07-19 22:42:08 ​#EPAM_Community

Great news from the DevOps Fundamentals training drivers

DevOps Fundamentals is our multi-location training embracing self-study materials and practical tasks for acquiring basic knowledge of Systems Engineering

The course is supported by EPAM specialists and for two years, gathered around a community of like-minded people interested in DevOps and related technologies

The community has the Telegram channel, where they share helpful info for beginners in the field and publish announcements of upcoming events

The nearest webinar, called Life of DevOps Engineers, will take place on 21 July at 18:00 (UTC +3)

Why should you join?

Know about a typical day of a DevOps Engineer
Explore challenges that may appear while working
Hear the success stories of community drivers

Register and learn more about one of the most in-demand professions in IT
6.0K views19:42
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2022-07-15 18:19:04 ​#EPAM_English

Five slang phrases for tech specialists

Technologies are constantly evolving, making it difficult to understand modern tech slang.

Want to keep up with common words from the "IT kitchen"? Read further and save the post

To hack – to make something better, to improve.
Let's hack the UX of this website.

A kludge – a ridiculous but surprisingly effective solution to the problem.
This code is a real kludge.

An apportunity – an opportunity to create an app that has not existed before.
There is no app for checking your body temperature, so it is an excellent apportunity for us to earn money for the company.

A showstopper – a bug or anything, that can stop the product's release.
We need to fix this showstopper because we need to present the project to the client tomorrow.

A brogrammer – a programmer opposed to the stereotypical geek type.
He is so communicative and extravert, is he a brogrammer?

Leave your reaction if you want to know more slang tech words
5.8K viewsedited  15:19
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2022-07-12 20:25:06 ​#EPAM_Quiz

Check yourself: True or False about JavaScript

Here are five statements about this language. Three are true, and two – false

JavaScript was created in 10 days

JavaScript name was a marketing decision, because Java was on the top during that time

JavaScript is used for web development only

JavaScript was made to build not only basic, but also complex architecture

JavaScript is never used for Test Automation

Pick false statements, and stay in touch for a new post with explanation
5.8K viewsedited  17:25
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2022-07-08 19:10:57 ​#EPAM_Library

What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

Want to understand the IT industry and its processes better? Let's have a look at SDLC.

Requirements Gathering

Firstly, we define the customer's requirements to develop a product as per their expectations. A Business Analyst(BA) and Project Manager(PM) usually set up a customer meeting to gather all the information like what the customer wants to build, who will be the end-user, etc.


The team determines the timeframes, resources and costs required to implement the analyzed requirements. PM and BA should evaluate the project's feasibility and how they can implement it successfully with the lowest risk in mind.


After that, the design phase kicks in. The team makes design decisions regarding the solution architecture. It can involve creating design documents, coding guidelines, and discussing the tools, practices, and frameworks that will help to meet the set goals.


What is next? Let's create what we want. Front-end, Back-end, and Full-stack Engineers start actual development. They work closely with UI/UX designers helping to create better user experiences. This stage of work ends once teams have packaged their code.


Before product release, we need to check if everything meets the standard for quality and performance. Software testing usually involves manual testing of user journeys and automated one based on engineering tools. If they find bugs, testers document them and inform the team.


The next stage is deploying the software to the production so that users can start using the product. Systems (DevOps) engineers ensure that the software works the same way in the live environment as it does in the development & testing ones.


The plan rarely turns out perfect when it meets reality, so it's time to go to the final phase. It ensures that the application continues to run as intended in terms of functionalities and performance. Users, support team, and ongoing testing may uncover new bugs or security issues not found before that should be fixed.

Was it useful for you? Leave your reaction
7.9K views16:10
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2022-07-05 18:32:02 ​#EPAM_Interview

Technical interview without stress

Our colleague, Kateryna Mala, Lead Software Testing Engineer, shares her five tips and tricks for beginners:

Repeat the theory, definitions of the most common terms, and the distribution of roles in the team

Even if you have several years of experience and you can easily cope with daily tasks, theoretical knowledge usually fades from memory quickly.

Remember that the official language of IT is English

Write a short 6-7 sentence story about yourself in advance: briefly describe the projects you participated in, the tasks you performed and the results you are proud of.

Conduct mock interviews

Practising interviews is the best way to relieve anxiety and improve your confidence. If you have friends to help, conduct mock interviews as much as possible. If you don't have such – practice your questions and answers out loud.

Check the date and place of the meeting in advance

Take care of your appearance: choose decent and comfortable clothes. Hold a glass of water to pause politely and collect your thoughts before answering a tricky question.

Choose a cozy, comfortable place where nothing will distract you

The same can be said about pets playing in the background or neighbours renovating their homes. Also, check your computer and webcam before the meeting

Leave your reaction if the tips were useful, and we will continue to prepare posts about interviews in Tech
5.9K views15:32
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2022-07-01 18:46:20 ​#EPAM_Professions

Non-technical jobs in Tech. Part 2

You left a lot of reactions below our post about non-tech professions, so we're eager to proceed:

HR Specialist

What are the responsibilities?

In small companies, the roles of a recruiter and HR are mixed, but in giant companies, their responsibilities differ.

Usually, an HR specialist investigates employees issues and conflicts and brings them to resolution, conducts performance reviews, analyzes trends in compensation and benefits, and organizes teambuilding activities.

Which skills should you have?

Strong communication, interpersonal, negotiation, conflict resolution, organizational skills, English.


What are the responsibilities?

UX means User Experience, where specialists focus on how something works, how people interact with it, and on product development, including design, usability, function, and even marketing.

Which skills should you have?

Communication, research skills, analytical thinking, understanding of user's behavior, English.


What are the responsibilities?

A project manager leads the team, defining goals and communicating with the stakeholders. They also are responsible for organizing and planning of budgets and schedules.

Which skills should you have?

Communication, negotiation, leadership skills, risk management, problem solving, time-management skills, English.

There are still more non-tech professions in Tech. Should we cover more of them? Leave your reaction
6.0K views15:46
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