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​​#EPAM_SoftSkills How to overcome procrastination? Three | EPAM Training Center


How to overcome procrastination? Three useful tips

News, news, news! We've added one more hashtag, #EPAM_SoftSkills, where we will share tips and tricks on how to improve them and explain why it is crucial for a beginner.

Today we will reveal three practical steps of how to fight procrastination:

Acknowledge the problem

Stop blaming. Putting too much pressure on yourself makes things even worse. Try to determine the obstacles: stress, physical problems, fear, self-doubt, lack of time-management skills. After detecting them, deal with it and improve

Remove the distractions

Concentration is what we need while taking on a task. Some people procrastinate as they can't focus: the workload seems too massive. Do you regularly check your social media? Or constantly update e-mail? Try to disconnect as much as possible, set specific deadlines and force yourself to pick out a timeline for a particular task

Establish a reward

A reward system is super motivating! It transforms work into a game: you can get down to what you are eager to do only after you've finished what you are scheduled. Lifehack: you can use distractions (scrolling the feed, watching movies) as a reward

Procrastination is tough to overcome, but if you are ready to put effort – it will lose its magic power. Go for it!