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​​#EPAM_Professions How to enter the tech industry? A plan | EPAM Training Center


How to enter the tech industry? A plan for beginners

Entering any sphere is challenging. Fears and misconceptions get people off track and prevent them from broadening their career horizons. But it is pretty easier when you have a plan to which you can refer and rely on

Today we want to share a step-by-step algorithm on how to enter the IT sphere smoothly

STEP 1: Choose the discipline. Look through the vacancies, learn trends and the most in-demand technologies. Try to choose a profession that is close to you.

STEP 2. Check the skills you need & already have. Analyze the requirements and list skills you already possess and need to level up.

STEP 3. Try on the chosen profession. Meet and chat with people that are experts in this sphere. You need to find out what they are doing daily and decide whether you are ready to do the same.

STEP 4. Learning and networking. Learn theory, read books and articles, and watch educational videos. Visiting conferences, meet-ups, and searching for mentors would also be a plus.

STEP 5. Gaining practical experience. At this point, you need to transform the theory to practice. Start pet projects, visit hackathons, search for an internship, or try freelance. Make up your CV and be active on LinkedIn.

STEP 6. Interviewing. Pass interviews with recruiters and tech specialists. Get a job or internship. In case of rejection, return to the fourth step and find out which skills you need to upgrade.

If you want to practice these steps, you may look through our training programs and start fulfilling this plan

Save the post and conquer new career heights. Good luck